
First steps with NoesisGUI and Unity


This tutorial covers the basics of using NoesisGUI within Unity. NoesisGUI entirely replaces Unity UI offering a much more convenient and efficient approach. You will learn how to start editing the samples included in NoesisGUI package and how to create new games from scratch. NoesisGUI is deeply integrated with Unity; XAMLs appear as native resources that directly use assets imported by Unity like Textures, Fonts, VideoClips and AudioClips. It is strongly recommended that you read the rest of tutorials to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of XAML and the Noesis architecture.


What's new in 3.2

  • Added support for Rive assets.
  • Support for disabling Hot-reloading from Settings panel.
  • Legacy Input System is no longer necessary.
  • Added tracking device actions for XR to Input Actions Asset.
  • Added World Space UI property to View.
  • Support for editing XAML files in Visual Studio Code.
  • Vulkan renderer is now supported in Windows and Android platforms.
  • Unity 2022.2+ is required for WebGL.
  • All new features included in 3.2 Core are also available.

What's new in 3.1

  • NoesisGUI is now a package that must be installed using the Package Manager. The previous package, located at 'Assets/NoesisGUI' must be deleted before installing the new version.
  • XAMLs assets are now implemented using a Scripted Importer. This means that we no longer need the corresponding .asset file for each .xaml. You must delete all .asset files belonging to .xaml resources if you are upgrading your project. References to XAMLs from current views must also be recreated. Since 3.1.1 this step is performed automatically.
  • Fonts are also implemented using a Scripted Importer. In this case we are overriding the default font importer used by Unity. Same as with XAMLs, you must delete all .asset files belonging to .ttf resources. Since 3.1.1 this step is performed automatically.
  • NoesisSettings.asset has been deprecated and must be removed. When first installing NoesisGUI 3.1, a new Noesis.settings.asset will be created. This new asset is very similar to the legacy one but no longer needs to be stored inside a Resources folder.
  • Sprites are now supported in DataContexts and accessible to ImageSource properties in XAML using data-binding. See our Inventory sample.
  • Implemented gamepad events using the new Input System Package. Note that for keyboard, mouse and touch we still need the legacy Input System.
  • All new features like Videos, Blending Modes and Shaders included in 3.1 Core are also available for Unity. See our examples VideoEffect and BrushShaders.
  • Hot-reloading while in Play mode is now always enabled.


First step is downloading the latest version of the Unity package from our website. After that, extract the corresponding file into a folder and locate the file package.json at the root. Next go to the Package Manager and install the NoesisGUI package from the extracted local folder using the "Add package from disk..." option.


NOTE must not be decompressed inside the '/Assets' folder of your project.

The lowest Unity version NoesisGUI is compatible with is indicated in 'package.json'. For NoesisGUI 3.1.0 it is 2020.2

If this is your first contact with Noesis, we recommend importing all examples and read the provided documentation. Our samples are also available in GitHub and the documentation can be read online at our website.


Once the installation finishes, a welcome window should appear giving you information about the new installed version of NoesisGUI. Please take your time to read the Release Notes to discover what is new.



Within the installed package we provide a few working samples, each one with its corresponding scene file (.unity) and Microsoft Blend project. For example, for the HelloWorld sample, the scene is located at HelloWorld/HelloWorld.unity and the blend project is located at HelloWorld/HelloWorld-blend.csproj.

A lot more examples can be found in our GitHub repository.


Configuring NoesisGUI

Clicking on Unity menu option Tools -> NoesisGUI -> Settings will open an inspector window that displays global options for NoesisGUI. This same window is also available in Project Settings under the NoesisGUI category. If you want more detail about a specific option just hover the mouse over it to get a useful tooltip description.


Settings, by default, are stored at 'Assets/Noesis.settings.asset'. Please move the file to a different folder that better suits your layout.




Microsoft Blend for Visual Studio (formerly Microsoft Expression Blend) is an interactive WYSIWYG front-end for designing XAML-based interfaces. In this section we will explain how you can use it so changes performed in Blend appear immediately in Unity Editor, even in Play mode. This workflow allows quick iterations while designing user interfaces.


For getting started with Blend we recommend reading our Blend Native Tutorial


If you are moving assets make sure to keep in sync your Blend project because that's not automatically done.

New project

If you want to create a new Unity project ready to work with NoesisGUI we provide a Visual Studio project template available in the Visual Studio Marketplace. To install this template:

  • Launch Visual Studio and click Extensions -> Manage Extensions from the Menu Bar.
  • In the Extension Manager expand the Online node and search for Noesis. Download the NoesisGUI Project Templates extension and restart Visual Studio.

To create an application from the project template just create a new C# solution using the Unity App (NoesisGUI) template from Visual Studio's Start Page.


Existing project

If you are already working on a Unity project and have decided to add NoesisGUI to implement your game or application user interface, our plugin adds a new entry to the Assets top menu, Open Blend project. The first time you select this option it will create a new Blend project at the root of your Unity project. This project is configured to easily add resources from your 'Asset/' folder.


The project will create a sample XAML at the root of 'Asset/' to start working. Just drag that XAML asset in Unity to the Main Camera of an empty scene and click Play to see your first XAML.

Unity3DTutorialImg223.png Unity3DTutorialImg224.png


User controls with code-behind need to be adapted to correctly compile in both Blend and Unity. Preprocessor macro directives #define and #if must be used to differentiate NoesisGUI code that is not 100% compatible with WPF. All our samples use preprocessor directives this way.

   #define NOESIS
   using Noesis;
   using System;
   using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace DummyGame
   /// <summary>
   /// Interaction logic for DummyGameMainView.xaml
   /// </summary>
   public partial class DummyGameMainView : UserControl
      public DummyGameMainView()

    #if NOESIS
      private void InitializeComponent()


XAML assets

When you drag and drop XAML files into your project 'Asset/' folder, Unity will automatically create a NoesisXaml asset with its corresponding thumbnail and preview window.


Window root elements are not supported by NoesisGUI in Unity, as the windowing system is provided by Unity engine itself. Instead we recommend to use Page, UserControl, or any Panel class as the XAML root.

You can also create a few XAML snippets from the Tools -> NoesisGUI -> Create menu


The import process will automatically inject dependencies to referenced resources like Resource Dictionaries, Textures, AudioClips, VideoClips, Shaders, Fonts, Rives and UserControls. To properly detect dependencies for UserControls and Shaders you must adhere to the following naming conventions:

XAML usage Dependency Asset
<local:MyUserControl Input="200" /> MyUserControl.xaml
<local:MonochromeBrush Color="White" /> Monochrome.noesisbrush
<local:TintEffect Color="Orange" /> Tint.noesiseffect


For properly detecting dependencies, a namespace, like 'local:', must be always used.

To inspect the list of dependencies for a given XAML you only need to click on the asset to open its editor.


Just in case you need to add extra dependencies to your XAML, for example resources used by code in ViewModels, we provided the extension property Xaml.Dependencies. The specified URI should be relative to the XAML where the dependency is defined or you just an absolute URI.

  FontFamily="./#Oxygen, ./#FontopoNIHONGO"

    <noesis:Dependency Source="Language-en.xaml"/>
    <noesis:Dependency Source="Language-fr.xaml"/>
    <noesis:Dependency Source="Language-jp.xaml"/>



A Theme provides default styles for all UI controls, being a good start to create your own game styles. It is configured in the NoesisGUI Settings menu, under the 'Application Resources' entry. By default, our Noesis Theme, located at Packages/com.noesis.noesisgui/Theme, is used.


App.xaml is not used by Unity. Application Resources are set in NoesisGUI Settings instead.


Language Server

A Visual Studio Code extension is available for a rich editing experience when typing XAML. This extension provides capabilities and type information while the Unity Editor is open.


Texture assets

Images used inside XAMLs generate a dependency to the corresponding Unity texture asset. The asset imported by Unity is directly consumed by NoesisGUI. This means that all settings available under Import Settings are taken into account. If your images have alpha just make sure to set the Alpha Source to Input Texture Alpha and uncheck Alpha is Transparency. Also make sure to add the label Noesis to the texture to have automatic conversion to the premultiplied-alpha format needed by NoesisGUI.


Find more information about premultiplied alpha at our forums.



Images packed as sprites inside an atlas can be directly referenced in XAML.

You can also expose Sprite objects in view models, for example:

 public class Item
     public string _name;
     public string Name { get => _name; }

     public string _description;
     public string Description { get => _description; }

     public ItemCategory _category;
     public ItemCategory Category { get => _category; }

     public int _life;
     public int Life { get => _life; }

     public int _mana;
     public int Mana { get => _mana; }

     public int _dps;
     public int Dps { get => _dps; }

     public int _armor;
     public int Armor { get => _armor; }

     public UnityEngine.Sprite _icon;
     public UnityEngine.Sprite Icon { get => _icon; }

This Sprite property can be consumed by any ImageSource property in XAML using data-binding:

 <DataTemplate x:Key="InventorySlot">
   <Grid Margin="5" Background="Transparent" ToolTip="{Binding Item.Description}">
     <Border BorderThickness="2" BorderBrush="{StaticResource OrangeBorder}"
       Background="{StaticResource RadialBackground}" CornerRadius="4"/>
     <Image Source="{Binding Item.Icon}"/>

AudioClip assets

AudioClips are natively supported by NoesisGUI using the Behaviors architecture. Clips used in PlaySoundAction are automatically added as XAML dependencies.

<Button Content="START" Command="{Binding StartCommand}">
    <b:EventTrigger EventName="GotFocus">
      <b:PlaySoundAction Source="AudioSlide.mp3" Volume="0.5"/>
    <b:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
      <b:PlaySoundAction Source="AudioClick.mp3" Volume="0.8"/>

VideoClip assets

VideoClips can be played using MediaElement. Same as AudioClips, they are automatically detected and added as XAML dependencies.

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
    <MediaElement Source="Particles.mp4" Stretch="UniformToFill" LoadedBehavior="Manual">
        <b:EventTrigger EventName="Loaded">
        <b:EventTrigger EventName="MediaEnded">

Fonts assets

Similar to XAMLs, each time you drop a .ttf, .otf or .ttc file into your project it is imported automatically. An editor window is implemented for displaying attributes like Family, Weight, Style and Stretch along with a render preview.


Shader assets

As described in the Shaders Tutorial, NoesisGUI can be extended with shaders using Effects and Brushes. In Unity, shaders for effects are implemented in .noesiseffect files. For brushes, you must use .noesisbrush files. Both assets describe the shader in HLSL language.

These assets are automatically added as dependencies to XAMLs based on the name of the class that implements the effect. The suffixes Effect and Brush are replaced by .noesiseffect and .noesisbrush respectively. For example:

  • The node <local:TintEffect Color="Orange"/> generates a dependency to the asset 'Tint.noesiseffect'
  • The node <local:NoiseBrush scale="2"/> generates a dependency to the asset 'Noise.noesisbrush'

Shaders are loaded in C# by using the function CreateShader. This function must be invoked only once for all instances. Once the shader is created, it can be set on each instance by using SetShader.

public class NoiseBrush : BrushShader
    private static NoesisShader Shader;

    public NoiseBrush()
        if (Shader == null) Shader = CreateShader();


The examples VideoEffect and BrushShaders can be used as guides to implement your own shaders.


Rive assets

Rive assets (.riv) are supported by NoesisGUI since 3.2. These assets are consumed by our RiveControl which offers state machine input values and triggers. There is an example included in the package fully created with Rive.


Data binding

The recommended way for interacting with the UI is using DataBinding between XAMLs and DataContexts in code. Unity provides greater flexibility because MonoBehaviours can also be used as DataContexts. This way, using the Unity Inspector, you can edit the DataContext directly from Unity. The DataBinding example is a good use-case of this approach.


Another nice extension used in our examples is NoesisEventCommand that connects a UnityEvent with a NoesisGUI ICommand. Using it, you can assign MonoBehaviour functions to XAML events from Unity itself. Our example Button showcase this scenario.


Input Actions

All Views provide a default asset with actions for navigation events. A new asset can be created and assigned to each View in the Actions Asset property to customize these interactions.


The following properties are also available on each View:

  • Action Map: Set of actions being used by the view and enabled by default.
  • Action Repeat Delay: The initial delay (in seconds) between an initial action and a repeated action.
  • Action Repeat Rate: The speed (in seconds) that the action repeats itself once repeating.
  • XR Tracking Origin: Transform representing the real world origin for tracking devices.


The MonoBehaviour in charge of rendering XAMLs is NoesisView. You need to attach that component to your GameObject. If you attach to a Camera object then the user interface will be rendered as a layer on top of the camera.

You can easily setup a user interface rendering to camera by doing drag and drop of a XAML asset into the Scene View. You can also drag and drop XAMLs into the Hierarchy Window.


To display and interact with the user interface you must enter Play mode. Note that at Play mode, NoesisView preview window will display performance stats useful to optimize your interfaces.



Legacy Pipeline

By default, camera post processing effects are applied to the UI. In case you don't want this to happen, you need to create a new camera to render NoesisGUI. This camera must have a larger 'Depth' value and must set 'Clear Flags' to 'Don't Clear'. You must also make sure the 'Culling Mask' is set to 'Nothing' to avoid rendering 3D elements with this camera.


When using Camera Stacking (several cameras rendering to the same render target), make sure the camera rendering the UI has the properties 'Culling Mask' and 'HDR' respectively set to 'Nothing' and 'Off'. This will avoid a bug in the latest versions of Unity.

Universal Pipeline

In the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) camera post processing effects are applied to the UI. If you want to render the UI after post processing you need to use Camera Stacking. We recommend the following steps:

  • Create a new camera only for the UI and attach a Noesis View component to it. Set 'Render Type' to 'Overlay' and 'Culling Mask' to 'Nothing'.
  • Create a new camera for post processing. Set 'Render Type' to 'Overlay' and 'Culling Mask' to 'Nothing'. Enable the 'Post Processing' checkbox.
  • Create an empty GameObject with a Volume component for the post processing effects.
  • Attach both cameras to the Stack section of the Main Camera. 'UI Camera' must be first in the list.


Camera Stacking can be very inefficient on mobile devices. For better performance, NoesisGUI 3.1.6+ exposes a new property in the View, 'Injection Point' to give control about when the UI render pass executes.

High Definition Pipeline

In the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) camera post processing effects are applied before the UI. If you want the UI to be affected by the post processing you need to use a Custom Pass:

  • Attach a 'Custom Pass Volume' component the main camera.
  • Set 'Mode' to 'Camera'.
  • Set 'Target Camera' to the main camera.
  • Select 'Injection Point' (only 'Before Post Process' or 'After Post Process' makes sense).
  • Add a 'Custom Pass' of type 'NoesisCustomPass'.
  • Set 'Clear Flags' to 'Stencil'.

Render to texture

Sometimes you don't want the user interface to be directly rendered to the screen or camera. NoesisGUI supports rendering XAML to textures. Just attaching a NoesisView to any GameObject that is not a camera will activate the Render Texture mode. In this mode a new property, Target Texture is available. Just create a Render Texture asset in Unity and assign it to that property.



We recommend creating the texture using 'Tools->NoesisGUI->Create->Render Texture' to workaround a bug in Unity when creating render textures with linear rendering enabled.


Make sure the created render texture has stencil. It is used by NoesisGUI for masking elements.

This texture must also be used by one of the materials assigned to the Mesh Renderer. If you want to interact with the GUI rendered in the texture, your GameObject must have a MeshCollider component so texture coordinates can be obtained when doing the hit testing projection.


Widget3D example shows how to use RenderTexture to draw UI controls inside 3D scenes.


Rendering on demand

By default, in 'Render Texture' mode the property 'Continuous Rendering' is disabled to render only when changes happen. This can bring significant performance and power savings.

The property 'Continuous Rendering' is not available when rendering to camera. In this case, a different approach must be followed. The property 'External Update' of NoesisView must be enabled to activate manual updates. The Camera component must be disabled and manually repainted using the following code:

public class Redraw : MonoBehaviour
   void Update()
      NoesisView view = gameObject.GetComponent<NoesisView>();

      if (view.NeedsRendering)
            Camera camera = gameObject.GetComponent<Camera>();

World-Space UI

The user interface can also be rendered directly in 3D, without using render to texture. This is the recommended way if you want the UI to be occluded by objects in the 3D scene, or if you want the best quality in Virtual Reality.


The property 'World Space UI' must be enabled in the view. We also recommend disabling PPAA and resort to GPU Anti-aliasing.

You can have several UIs floating in the space. Each one attached to a GameObject by using the new Noesis World UI component.


The following properties are exposed in this component:

  • View: The Noesis View used to render the specified XAML.
  • XAML: The UI placed in the GameObject position.
  • Container: The Name of the Panel container (in the View) where the specified XAML will be inserted.
  • Scale: Allows scaling UI pixels to scene units.
  • Offset: Adjust UI position relative to the GameObject.
  • Center: If enabled centers the UI in the GameObject position.

The Main View must contain a XAML with a container where child UIs are added. The name of the container is specified in the Noesis World UI component. It can be located anywhere in the XAML. For example:

<Grid xmlns=""
  <Canvas x:Name="Root"/>


There is an example in the package, 'World Space UI', showing how to setup a basic scene with 3D UI. It is also compatible with XR if the plugin 'XR Plugin Management' is installed.


Hit Testing

In some situations it is necessary to check if mouse is over or was clicked over any element of the UI. This can be done with the HitTest method available through the VisualTreeHelper class.

using UnityEngine;
using Noesis;

public class HitTestSample : MonoBehaviour
    Visual _root;

    void Start()
        NoesisView view = GetComponent<NoesisView>();
        _root = (Visual)VisualTreeHelper.GetRoot(view.Content);

    void OnMouseDown()
        Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
        Point point = _root.PointFromScreen(new Point(mousePos.x, Screen.height - mousePos.y));
        HitTestResult hit = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(this._root, point);
        if (hit.VisualHit == null)
            // No UI element was hit

            // ...your code here
© 2017 Noesis Technologies