
HierarchicalDataTemplate Class

namespace Noesis | MSDN

Represents a DataTemplate that supports HeaderedItemsControl, such as TreeViewItem or MenuItem.


        <LeagueList x:Key="items" />

        <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="League" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Divisions}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}"/>

        <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="Division" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Teams}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}"/>

        <DataTemplate DataType="Team">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}"/>

    <TreeView DataContext="{StaticResource items}">
        <TreeViewItem ItemsSource="{Binding Leagues}" Header="My Soccer Leagues" />


Inheritance Hierarchy


INDEX Class Hierarchy Index


Name Description
 ItemContainerStyle Gets or sets the Style that is applied to the item container for each child item
 ItemTemplate Gets or sets the DataTemplate to apply to the ItemTemplate property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl (such as a MenuItem or a TreeViewItem), to indicate how to display items from the next level in the data hierarchy
 ItemTemplateSelector Gets or sets the DataTemplateSelector to apply to the ItemTemplateSelector property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl (such as a MenuItem or a TreeViewItem), to indicate how to select a template to display items from the next level in the data hierarchy
 ItemsSource Gets or sets the binding for this data template, which indicates where to find the collection that represents the next level in the data hierarchy

 Dependency Property    Reflection Property

From DataTemplate

Name Description
 DataType Gets or sets the type for which this DataTemplate is intended
 Triggers Gets a collection of triggers that apply property values or perform actions based on one or more conditions.

 Dependency Property    Reflection Property

From FrameworkTemplate

Name Description
 Resources Gets or sets the collection of resources that can be used within the scope of this template
 VisualTree Gets or sets the root node of the template

 Dependency Property    Reflection Property

Attached Properties

HierarchicalDataTemplate has no attached properties


From FrameworkTemplate

Name Description
 Apply(templatedParent) Applies current template to the specified element
 FindName(name, templatedParent) Finds the element associated with the specified name defined within this template
 FindName(name) Returns an object that has the provided identifying name
 FindObject(object) Finds if element is a named object registered in the template. Returns null if not found
 GetAvailableTriggers() Gets template triggers if available
 RegisterName(name, object) Registers the provided name into the current XAML namescope
 UnregisterName(name) Unregisters the provided name from the current XAML namescope
 UpdateName(name, object) Updates previously registered item with new one. This is required to refresh Binginds when freezables are cloned during animations
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