ResourceDictionary Class
namespace Noesis | MSDN
Provides a hash table implementation that contains resources used by the UI.
ResourceDictionaries are implicitly created when using the Resources property of tree elements. But a resource dictionary can also be declared as a single XAML file for later runtime load or for merging it into the Application or a FrameworkElement.
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="NormalBrush" Color="Silver"/>
<Style TargetType="Button">
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="20"/>
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Crimson"/>
Name | Description |
MergedDictionaries | Gets the collection of merged dictionaries |
Source | Get or set the source file for this dictionary |
Dependency Property Reflection Property
Attached Properties
ResourceDictionary has no attached properties
Name | Description |
Add(key, value) | Adds an element with the provided key and value to the dictionary |
Clear() | Removes all elements from the dictionary |
Contains(key) | Determines whether the dictionary contains an element with the specified key |
Count() | Returns the number of entries of the base dictionary (excluding merged dictionaries) |
Find(key, resource) | Looks for an element in the dictionary. Returns true if element was found, false otherwise |
Get(key) | Gets the value stored for the specified key |
HasResourcesDefined() | Indicates if this dictionary or any of the merged dictionaries contains a resource |
IsReadOnly() | Indicates if this dictionary is read-only |
Remove(key) | Removes the element with the specified key from the dictionary |
Set(key, value) | Sets the element with the specified key |
From BaseDictionary
Name | Description |
RemoveDictionaryChangedListeners() | Removes listeners subscribed to DictionaryChanged event |
ResourceDictionary has no events
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