
ClockGroup Class

namespace Noesis | MSDN

An assemblage of Clock types with behavior based off of a TimelineGroup.

Inheritance Hierarchy


INDEX Class Hierarchy Index


From Clock

Name Description
 CurrentIteration Get the current iteration of this clock within its current active period, or -1 if this clock is stopped
 CurrentProgress Gets the current progress of Clock within its current iteration. This is a value between 0.0 and 1.0
 CurrentTime Gets this clock's current time within its current iteration
 Parent Gets or sets the clock that is the parent of this clock
 Timeline Gets the Timeline from which this Clock was created

 Dependency Property    Reflection Property

Attached Properties

ClockGroup has no attached properties


Name Description
 Add(clock) Gets the children collection of this ClockGroup
 GetChild(index) Get child at index position
 GetChildrenCount() Get number of children
 GetTimeline() Gets the TimelineGroup object that dictates the behavior of this ClockGroup instance

From Clock

Name Description
 GetCurrentState() Gets a value indicating whether the clock is currently Active, Filling or Stopped
 HasControllableRoot() Gets a value that indicates whether this Clock is part of a controllable clock tree


From Clock

Name Description
 Completed Occurs when this clock has completely finished playing

 Routed Event    Non-routed Event    Delegate Event

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